The Third Couplet

Daily Islamic Stories  

*Khwaja e Hind Wo Darbaar He Aa’la Tera- O Khwaja e Hind! Your Blessed Court Is So Exalted*

﷽ - الصــلوة والسلام‎ عليك‎ ‎يارسول‎ الله ﷺ

*The Third Couplet*

Ma e Sar Josh Dar Aaghosh He Sheesha Tera
Be Khudi Chaa-e Na Kyuñ Pee Ke Pyaala Tera

Your Glass Is Under My Arm, I Am Spiritually Intoxicated Why Shouldn’t I Be Ecstatic, After Sipping From Your Goblet, Elated

This couplet is a very spiritual one and its explanation requires immense time and effort. Hence, I will attempt to present a very short explanation here, so that the couplet is understood and the meaning becomes manifest.

Ustadh e Zaman رضي الله عنه is saying that the drink of your potion of love, i.e. that potion of the love of Almighty Allah and His Rasool صلى الله عليه وسلم, which one sips from your goblet (i.e. a glass) of blessings O Sarkaar e
Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaaz رضي الله عنه is so powerful and so spiritually potent, that the one who sips from your blessed goblet enters into a
state of spiritual intoxication (i.e. spiritual absorption), and is able to sense the blessings of this spiritual potion, and even after sipping from it, your glass, I am safely tucking under my arm, hopeful that it will fill up once again with this spiritual drink of love which you have attained by the Grace of Almighty Allah and through the blessings of Nabi Kareem صلي الله عليه وسلم. Ustadh e Zaman رضي الله عنه is saying that if one ever gets to taste the spiritual drink from the glass of Sarkaar e Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaaz رضي الله عنه then he will become ecstatic and fall into a deep spiritual state and this is because he will get to see and observe the spiritual blessings not with his own eyes, or through his own knowledge, but he will be doing this through the aid and the blessings of Sarkaar e Ghareeb Nawaaz رضي الله عنه. 



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